Our Services

We specialize in authentic content created and measured to reach the right audiences.

What We Do: In a Nutshell

Acorn, a New Engen company, is a leading influencer marketing solution. We work with a highly vetted network of creators to introduce your brand to the right audience, on the right channels. We take a full-funnel approach to leverage the best of a holistic creator strategy and performance-oriented paid media, optimized to drive accountable growth. So, you choose the goals. We deliver measured results. 

Interested in growing your brand? Let's Connect.

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Authentic Conversations & Growth

Acorn leads the conversation with real, engaging creator content that is owned by you. Our expertise across creator-generated content and performance media helps us place the right content in front of the right audience to drive accountable growth.

Seamless, Full Funnel Strategy

Our programs are organic-led with optimized content to support KPIs. All paid media is served through the influencer handle, driving authenticity and engagement rates. This blend of organic and paid content affords real-time optimization for maximum efficiencies.













Boosted Search Rankings

High-quality, authentic creator content drives organic SEO that drives retailer purchase, allowing you to boost your brand's search rankings and build social proof for your products.

Strategies & Ads That Lead to Purchase

Our retailer strategies are built to collapse the purchase funnel and take shoppers directly from points of inspiration to points of purchase. Our targeted social ads reach verified audiences, get promoted items in the carts of the most relevant users, and influence their retailer purchase decisions.




























Retail Targeted Media

Our media is hyper-targeted to priority retailer shoppers. We leverage a mix of past purchase data, behavioral data, and app ownership data to ensure we reach the right shopper. Our media is geo-targeted down to the zip code to ensure the budget is allocated to reaching the right shopper.

Full Usage Rights

Acorn is unique in that we provide usage rights, in perpetuity, to the client. This allows you to leverage influencer assets for other partners. Content can be repurposed and served at scale across all digital environments to reach the right audience wherever they are.














What We Report

Campaign Post Analysis:

KPIs, Delivered Content and Influencers, Learning and Recommendations


Partner Involvement, Sales Lift, Brand Lift

Event Reporting:

Organic and Paid Demo Breakout, Top Performing Content and Ads, ATC Reporting

About Our Network

Acorn creators are a highly vetted network of experts who create content that educates, inspires, and drives purchase occasions.

We have a five-step selection process: 


Acorn uses a proprietary algorithm to source and vet creators and their audience demographics.


Acorn validates and authenticates creator audiences, ensuring followers are genuine.


Creators are pitched by Acorn to submit their application to participate in the campaign.


Acorn reviews Pitchback responses and ensures an appropriate mix of ideas, types, and reach.


Final creator selection is made, and the chosen people are contracted for the campaign.

Interested in growing your brand? Let's Connect!

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